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Drone Over the Mountains


Utilizing Advanced Drone Technology for Efficient Emergency Response


In the face of crises, we harness the agility of small drones and the precision of advanced parachutes to bring life-saving supplies swiftly and accurately to those in dire need. Guided by meticulous GPS data and backed by relentless experiments to enhance parachute performance, we commit to pinpoint delivery every time.

Our Aim

To utilize advanced drone technology and optimized parachutes to provide rapid and precise delivery of critical supplies, including essential medications, first-aid items, and blood, to areas in crisis, ensuring immediate and efficient emergency response

The TIME Framework





Harnessing the power of cutting-edge drones and parachute innovations, we’re redefining emergency supply deliveries.

Through relentless experimentation and improvement, we are leading the charge in aerial delivery methodologies.

With pinpoint GPS data and careful calibration, our commitment is to be precise, on-the-dot deliveries every single time

Soaring above complex terrains and barriers, our drones ensure that essential supplies reach those in need in the quickest and most direct manner possible

Key Activities

Research and Development

Conduct extensive research and testing for technologies needed for drone operations such as GPS, motors, and parachutes.


Establishing Infrastructures


Establishing partnership with local authorities to build infrastructures needed to support the missions, this includes storage area, charging stations, recovery field, etc. As well as licenses needed to operate.

Deployment and Monitoring

Once all preparations are complete, start deploying drones to deliver supplies, gathering more information in the progress and make possible improvements to the system.


Sustainable Development Goals

Expected Impacts


By ensuring life-saving supplies reach people in dire situations swiftly and accurately, the project has the potential to save lives. Whether it’s natural disasters, conflict zones or isolated communities hit by outbreaks, timely access to essential medical supplies can mean the difference between life and death.

About the Founder

Sean Huang

Sean Huang is a captivating and dynamic teenager who possesses an immense passion for aviation and engineering. He firmly believes compassion towards others is integral to creating a better world. When not engrossed in academic pursuits, Sean wholeheartedly dedicated himself to exploring and understanding innovative technologies to combat sustainability issues. His diverse interests and unwavering commitment to making a difference truly set him apart.


Sean has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership both within and outside of school. In the classroom, he takes charge of group projects, effectively delegating tasks and ensuring successful outcomes. As a member of the robotics team, Sean not only represented his school in tournaments but also motivated his teammates to achieve their best. Additionally, he has successfully united like-minded individuals who share a passion for music, resulting in memorable performances for the entire school community. Looking ahead, Sean intends to further expand his leadership skills by aspiring to be a leader on the school math team while continuing to guide the robotics team towards even greater accomplishments. Furthermore, he plans to contribute his musical talents to foster a sense of unity and joy among his peers.

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